Yuri Morejón says that... (#15Botxotik)

Creo que en 15 años es el primer post en inglés en Botxotik Ziberespaziora. Thanks a lot, Yuri.

I like to think that back in May 2007, when restless Iñaki was setting up his brand new blog, he was really getting a place ready in which to offer his doubts and views about the variety of crises and script twists the world had in mind for the upcoming years.

Many things have evolved since then, but what I appreciate the most about Iñaki is that he has kept his ability to go through life with serenity, tolerance, a sense of humor, and an admirable willingness to share, enjoy, and learn from every opportunity. And that's what this blog is all about. Mila esker, Iñaki, and keep it up!

Yuri Morejón    




  1. Thank you very much, Yuri. Por animarte a pasar por este txoko... y por darme la oportunidad de refrescar mi oxidado inglés :-)


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